Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Questions

**Update** We will be meeting Thursday January 30th at 7:30 at the Brick Oven Party Room in Provo. Contact me if you would like to carpool from SL County with me!


Alrighty guys it’s here!!!! Sorry I’m a little late in my holiday candy hangover.

First – let’s talk about our meetup. I’m thinking a restaurant with a separate room – maybe Brick Oven or I don’t know? Any ideas?

And when would work best? I’m looking at January 26-Feb 1. Do weeknights or weekends work best for you guys? I have basketball every day until about 5 each day, YW on Wednesdays and basketball games on Saturday night, but any of the evenings besides Wednesday or Saturday work for me!

I got the board game for HP #1 and 3 prizes for winners that are HP related, so get pumped!

Keep in mind – if you can’t come THAT’S OK. We love you anyway. Questions are here and posted on our Facebook Group so you can participate in the discussion via the comments or posting on the Facebook page.

Without further ado… Start your engines Muggles! Here are the questions below and a downloadable PDF file so you can print it out and keep it near and dear to your heart as you read these sacred words.

Let the magic begin.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


How does this book set up the entire series?

How does the Sorting affect different parties? How does personal choice factor in?


What elements of the long-term story do Dumbledore, Hagrid and others keep from Harry? Why do they do this?

The Harry-Ron-Hermione friendship is integral to the complete story. How do the foundations develop in this book?

How are Muggles and Muggle-borns portrayed in this book? Is it a form of racism? How does it lead into the other books?

How important is Quidditch to Harry, Hogwarts, the complete story?

If you could isolate one main theme of this book alone, what would it be?

N0w did you feel when you first realize that it’s Quirrell and not the slimy Snape?

Snape. Let’s talk about Snape.

Ok now let’s talk about Neville FREAKING Longbottom.

What is your favorite part of this book? Why?

Your favorite quote:

sorcerer3Share this post or invite people to the book club who might be interested (as obsessed) as we are!

Please let me know ASAP which nights will be best and where y’all want to meet!

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6 thoughts on “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Questions”

  • 10 years ago

    If you need a location in Utah county, you can use my house anytime you want.

  • 10 years ago

    Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday evening! Or Saturday day.

  • 10 years ago

    Saturday day 🙂

  • 10 years ago

    Brick Oven sounds oh so fabulous!

  • 10 years ago

    Any weeknight would be great!

  • 10 years ago

    Wait don’t do it the 30th!!! I am super busy that night. Or Monday nights. Do Tuesday night–like 22nd 🙂

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