Deep Inspirational Life Lessons From My Social Media Cleanse

I’m back. At least one person missed me and mentioned my absence. I missed me too. Laughing at my own jokes without being to tweet them isn’t nearly as fun. I found myself drafting tweets and blog posts in my head, seeing funny links I wanted to post to your Facebook wall and wondering what hilarious #tbt pictures I’m missing (looking at you, Callie Gandolph).


I feel like I didn’t MISS it though. Like my world carried on. I could cut it out of my life completely, forever, if necessary.  I didn’t stress or worry about it. I didn’t cave and peek at any point. I mostly noticed the absence when I woke up, or was waiting around for something – just a time filler. I’m a chronic multi-tasker to a fault. Last year I read “The Miracle of Mindfulness” and maybe I need to read it again.

The biggest lesson I learned mostly reconfirmed my views of the awesome and appropriate use social media.  The part I really missed, the part that affected me the most was getting updates from friends on their lives. I really do connect with people online and I definitely felt that loss. Social media can be amazing. I love how it connects me with my friends and family. I love that it’s an outlet and inspiration for my talent and ideas. By the end of the week I had this weird sinking suspicion that I was being left out or that people didn’t like me or want to talk to me. How stupid is that? Yes, you’re right, it’s probably not great how validated I feel by the people of the internet. Still.

This is why I think I’m doing social media (mostly) right. I really do use it to connect with people and develop relationships. So no conservative old lady in my ward is ever going to convince me that the internet is good for nothing but porn.

Anyways, I went on a mass unfollowing spree today. Did I miss the 50 magazine Instagram accounts I follow? Random bloggers I’ve never met who only complain? Girl from my high school who only posts pictures of her creepy smile and cleavage? #NOPE.

P.S. it was also really awesome miss all the commentary surrounding the excommunication drama. Although I did write a post for The Cultural Hall KIND OF about it – How to Avoid Talking About It by Danica. I’m obsessed with people’s opinions and usually feel the need to scour my feed to see what you guys think about controversial topics. Then I get worked up and needlessly pissed about it. Why should what you guys think affect me? It shouldn’t.

P.P.S. In case you do care, I’m standing with the Church always and forever. I can’t always back that up logically but my heart backs it up just fine. I just need to get to a place where negative social media posts don’t burn me like the hot stove.

But I did miss you guys. And it feels good to be back. I’m fresh. I’m ready. Let’s do this.


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4 thoughts on “Deep Inspirational Life Lessons From My Social Media Cleanse”

  • 10 years ago

    I deleted my Facebook for two months earlier this year, and I didn’t miss it. When I added it back, nothing really changed. I still had other social medias like instagram to keep up with people during that time. It was a good chance to focus on my life and goals rather than others’. I’m glad you’re back though! I love reading your posts!

  • 10 years ago

    That’s the main reason I keep social media…to stay in touch with everyone, especially since we’re all at the point in time in our lives when we are growing up and moving away and starting families, etc.

  • […] one. But I recommend it to everyone – large or small scale. Last year I went on a hardcore weeklong social media cleanse. Last week I turned off all of my notifications except for calls and texts. This one is so good for […]

  • […] time I found basically the same thing that I wrote about 2 years ago, which makes me happy because I think it’s good: I miss PEOPLE. I miss pleasant interactions, […]

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