A Week of Pregnancy Workouts

A Week of Pregnancy Workouts

This pregnancy has been so different from Reese’s in a lot of ways. I’m luckily still enjoying the absence of morning sickness or nausea. I’ve had a few of the same cravings. But by and large it’s been very different – and my physical fitness is no exception. Last time I was teaching and had painful SPD, making it challenging for me to even go on walks, let alone complete a real gym workout. Even yoga was tough! I ate a lot and slept a lot and gained a lot. I craved a hardcore workout, but whenever I did one I was sore and achy for days.

This time around I’ve been much more active, except for the 2 months (August-September) that I was told to rest. Unfortunately, due to that resting period my endurance level dropped off pretty steeply. I wasn’t able to do near as much as I had hoped. I was STOKED to get back into Zumba, but I still can’t make it through more than half a class, and it wipes me out for the entire day. I can’t do it 2-3x a week like I’d hoped.

Instead I’ve figured out a weekly workout plan that has been working for me throughout most of this pregnancy. It’s a combination of 5 different workouts that help me to feel balanced and relatively fit. Not to mention it’s super flexible and hopefully easy to maintain for the last few months.

A friend of mine asked months ago about my workout regimen while I’m pregnant, and now that I’m doing the Beautiful Mess 30 Day Photo Challenge I realized how easy it would be to just snap a quick pic of my Week of Workouts. I’m also going to include some ideas/videos so that you can do this entire series at home or without a gym pass! The important thing is just to do SOMETHING that makes you feel good, sleep better, manage weight gain, and bounce back quicker after delivery. If you’ve already found that – great! If you have some ideas but you’re looking for a little more variety – here you go! And if you aren’t working out at all but think you probably should be – these options  should be an easy place to start.


Pregnancy Fitness

I usually plan my week around which day I can do Zumba. I can really only handle it about once a week, and only on days when I don’t have a ton else going on, because it sure wipes me out. I usually make it through a little over half a class and sit out 1 or 2 songs depending on my level of fatigue. When you’re pregnant, it’s important with dance workouts that you stop when you’re getting tired or sloppy. The fast foot movements can start to trip you up, and your center of balance doesn’t need any more challenges. When I notice myself getting a little sloppy I’ll sit out a song, come back for 1-2 more songs, and then call it good when I can no longer snap my feet up and down.

If I don’t want to leave the house I’ll play Just Dance, which is hilarious and fun. You can also find hip hop or Zumba videos on Youtube, or just crank your favorite tunes and dance around your living room! Reese loves “dance parties” – very toddler friendly.


Pregnancy Yoga

Yoga is so so good for pregnancy, especially if you’re experiencing hip and lower back pain. As much as I’d like to still attend the 75 minute class I used to take at the gym, ain’t nobody got time (or energy, or flexibility) for that. I’ve done enough yoga over the years to be able to put together my own sequences, poses, and stretches that work for me. Youtube has TONS – Yoga with Adriene is a favorite, and I did this prenatal yoga video last week when I wanted a more structured workout. A lot of the stretches and poses are specifically to help with labor and delivery, which is cool. I just generally feel way better after some deep breathing and comforting poses.

Weight Training

Pregnancy Workout

I have always loved lifting weights. During pregnancy it’s easy to feel like a big amorphous blob, and when SPD or sciatica is giving me grief the last thing I want to do is run, walk, or jiggle. Weightlifting helps firm up gross spots, tire me out, and makes me stronger! I like to do my weight training at the gym so Reese gets some social play time and I can listen to a good podcast or fun playlist and just zone out, but you can also do tons of strength exercises at home with no equipment.

At the gym I alternate upper and lower body exercises on machines/with free weights and then end with core work (lol its basically just planks and bird-dogs). At home I will do pushups, tricep dips on a chair, arm circles, squats, toe-raisers, lunges, etc. Something like this looks perfect to do at home!

Stroller Walk

Stroller Walk

I try to do an outside walk about once a week, usually with a friend. The Provo River Trail is a favorite, but we often end up at the park near my house. I try to do 2 miles or so (the paved trail by my house is a mile loop, so 2 laps makes it easy!), at least 1/2 of it at a brisk pace. You can easily walk around your neighborhood, of course, but there’s something about driving to an optimal walking location makes a big difference for me and usually makes me walk longer/better.

Stretch & Foam Roll

Prenatal Stretch

Prenatal stretch

I’ve been doing this since I was put on rest, because I couldn’t do anything else and it helped! I’ll turn on an episode of The Office or sometimes a soothing playlist and just take some time to really stretch out all my major muscle groups. I honestly don’t think I’ve done this since high school athletics. I like doing this a day or two after Zumba & Weight days because then I use a foam roller to roll out my sore and fatigued muscles. Does this count as a “workout?” Yes. Just go with it.

Do I do all 5 workouts every week? Rarely. But I aim for them, and I usually hit about 3. It’s nice to have options, because some days you’re just not gonna leave the house under any circumstances. Some days you’re just SO TIRED and SO SORE, and it’s nice to be able to count therapeutic stretching as a “workout.”

I’m no expert, and I’m certainly no poster child. But this is my system and it’s working well for me! I also have the guest option on my Vasa pass so if you’d like to come watch me waddle-Zumba or join me for a canyon walk before it gets too cold – you know what to do.

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One thought on “A Week of Pregnancy Workouts”

  • 7 years ago

    I found an app that I absolutely love…while watching an episode of Shark Tank–it was on the episode. It’s called Sworkit. You can customize your workout with intensity levels, type of workout, and time. I love it and it doesn’t require any equipment at all. I do it in my bedroom when I wake up while Rhys watches Nick Jr.

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