#Blessed Round 2

#Blessed Round 2

On Sunday we got to celebrate Mother’s Day AND bless Malone. We had scheduled and rescheduled the blessing a couple of times due to illness, people out of town, and ward stuff, so when we landed on Mother’s Day I worried that maybe it would be too much for one day. After talking to our moms though, they were all on board with celebrating our little Lone so blessed she was!

Her dad blessed her with the usual awesome things – healthy body, to be married in the temple, to obtain a testimony of the Gospel, and to know her worth. It was very sweet.

Part of me wondered if this blessing would be as good as Reese’s was, since we knew Reese for 2 months longer before we blessed her. Thankfully, it’s not really about knowing them – it’s that their Father in Heaven knows them, much better than even I will. Ryan was full of emotion and it was clear that he was being prompted by the Spirit to say some of the things that stood out as unique to Malone, and were different than Reese’s blessing. (My post about Reese’s blessing here.)

He blessed her with the gift of charity – which is one I think he and I don’t necessarily possess enough to pass on. That’s why I felt such a warm surge when he said that, and knew that it would be something Malone will teach us. I know it sounds silly to say that a 2 month old is already showing characteristics, but I really do feel like she’s a very loving and accepting person. She goes to anyone and everyone, smiles for anyone who talks to her, and just makes people happy.

Malone was also blessed with a spirit of optimism, and that she will be able to find the best in others, and in every situation. I was talking with my friend Madi the other day about how I think Malone will compare with Reese and the type of relationship they’ll have. I just already have this feeling that Malone will not be as big of a personality as Reese, but will love to both share the spotlight with her as well as be her biggest fan. I have these images flash in my mind of Malone watching and applauding Reese, and Reese turning her into her own little sidekick. I felt something I hadn’t really thought of before now – that Reese really needed Malone.

The last thing that I really loved about Malone’s blessing was how Ryan said she would “lead her own family someday.” It was Mother’s Day, and I was thinking about how weird it feels to be ~part of Mother’s Day. Something in me still thinks that I need to go grab that little potted flower to run and give my mom at the end of church. So that day I was still feeling a little funny about being a mom on Mother’s Day, though it’s my 3rd one. I thought about how my mom was just down the pew from me, and now here I am a mom. And one day Reese & Malone will be moms, leading their own families. I’m not raising babies. I’m not raising children. I’m raising people who just happen to be small right now. I felt an immense amount of pressure and responsibility rest on my shoulders. A commitment to doing a little better – for them and for the children they will one day raise.

Malone, I wrote everything down. I hope to tell you all the things your dad blessed you with many, many times. All these things are important, but I think the one I really want you to take is that he blessed you to remember your worth.

You’re worth so much to me and your father. You’re worth so much to your sister, who instantly asks for you within 10 seconds of waking each morning. You’re worth so much to your grandparents, who drop everything to fawn over you whenever you arrive.

And there is a man who took every mistake you’re going to make. He took every sad day, every betrayal, every disappointment, every flu, every stubbed toe, every regret, every sin. He took them all, and he took death – for you. Because you, little tiny dark-haired Malone, YOU are so worth it. I will do my best to help you feel that every day. But if I don’t succeed, I hope your dad’s blessing will.

Remember your worth. We love you. You are blessed.



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