Danica Plans

Danica Plans

So originally today I was going to talk about Baby’s First Christmas. How to make it memorable, things worth doing, things not worth doing, gift guide, all that jazz. Maybe next week. I got planning on the brain. To be fair, I always have planning on the brain but more so lately.

I had a blast at my planning class last week. It was really fun for me, and while I will definitely do it differently next time I am really glad I did it. Thanks to my awesome first-time students for coming and letting me test this out on you cute guinea pigs! I forgot how much I love teaching, and just how much you learn in the first iteration of a lesson.

I sent a survey to the people who attended and the feedback was so so so helpful. Some of it I knew walking out of the class – too rushed, not enough time, much of it should have been prep work beforehand so we could have spent more time on YOUR plans, YOUR life, YOUR planner. It was painfully obvious during the class, and it should be much better next time.

Several suggestions were super helpful, and were things I had maybe thought about or even never considered. This is why soliciting feedback is so helpful, even if it is sometimes uncomfy to be like “So how much of this did I completely bungle?” Sometimes you want to be like “Well YOU JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY I DID IT LIKE THAT I HAD TO IT’S THE ONLY WAY-” and other times you’re like “… everyone hates me why did I even do this it’s so dumb of course they thought it was stupid” and then hopefully enough of the time you’re like “Dang! That’s a great idea! And I’m fired up! Let’s do this! Let’s get better! Let’s be awesome!”

I’ve swiveled between all of them in the last 48 hours since finally being brave enough to look at the feedback (I’m a baby). But I’m mostly settling on #3 – being excited and trying to use it for improvement and helping others.

So the first suggestion I decided to implement was creating a place to share small, regular planning tips/tricks/techniques/info/ videos/etc – a Facebook page. Honestly I probably should have done this when I first started talking about the class, because it’s a pretty great way to share information, vote on days, and create events. I’ve been using it for several years for Harry Potter Book Club and really it’s the only thing Facebook has going for it if we’re getting real.

My Facebook page is called Danica Plans – check it out and like it if you are interested! I’ll try to post regular videos about planning stuff like I’ve been doing on my personal Facebook the last couple of weeks, as well as links to planning stuff I love. I will still share some planning stuff here, but the majority of planning stuff and information about my planning classes will go up on that page. Great news for those of you who are sick of hearing about it. JOKES those people stopped reading 2 paragraphs in.

I have ideas, you guys. Lots of ideas. Many of them ridiculous. They include things like another planning class just like this one (obviously), a 2017 planner setup party, a bullet journal planning class, a health/fitness/New Years Resolution class, personal planning consultations & help, designing more printables, making more videos, and of course – making the e-course. In typical Danica fashion, about 1/3 of these will ever even see the light of day outside my crazy brain, but it’s worth trying when it’s something you really like. That’s what all the pinterest quotes say.

If you have questions or ideas for videos/tips/stuff to share – I would love to hear them. Here, or on the Facebook page. Thanks, y’all. I never thought I would be making Facebook pages and teaching classes about something so silly and so important to me as planning. But I love it! And you guys make me brave. ILY.

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One thought on “Danica Plans”

  • 8 years ago

    I’ve been trying to go digital/minimal, but have realized – in part because of you! – that I need to write stuff down. I’m getting ready to jump into the bullet journal world and everything you’ve shared has been super helpful and motivating. Thanks!

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