October 2018 GBOMB

October 2018 GBOMB

October is the best freaking month of the year do not @ me. I love it so much and this year was no exception.

I feel like the foliage was exceptionally good this year – is that just me? Honestly it was like every street I drove down was just a parade of gorgeous fall color. And so many perfectly rainy, gloomy days! I love them! I drank Pero (fake coffee) with Irish Creme creamer, ate grilled cheese with tomato soup, listened to Adele’s “Hello,” all the best gray weather stuff. Ugh this month was the best.

If I’m being completely truthful I have to admit that *maybeeeee* I went a little too hard with my favorite holiday because by the time it arrived I was the teensiest bit done with it. I guess starting Halloween the last week of September will do that to ya. Still. I regret nothing.


  • I turned 29 and was just so happy to see and hear from so many of my loved ones. That’s always the best part of my birthday.
  • We ran away to Las Vegas with our best friends and it was awesome. Uninterrupted meals, sleeping in, laughing until we cried. I needed it so bad.
  • Conference weekend was an absolute feast for my soul. I mean announcing two hour church is obviously incredible, but the messages and feelings and changes were just dynamite.
  • I’ve been playing soccer and it’s been so much fun. I’m in better shape than I’ve been in years (still not good) which is so strange because all I’ve been doing is yoga?? But I’m loving it.
  • We threw a Halloween party for a handful of our neighbor kids and friends and it was a riot. The sheer number of sprinkles on my floor was shocking, to be honest.
  • We dressed up as pandas, Hogwarts students, Star Wars characters, princesses, and Ron & Leslie. What a killer Halloween season. If you don’t cycle through at least 3 costumes you’re not doing it right.
  • I had started to feel a little burnt out on Relief Society because September had been so crazy. Between a special stake conference, Disneyland, General Conference, and our Vegas trip, I had quite a long break from the the regular Sunday marathons and weekly responsibilities. When I got back into the groove I found that I was so happy to be back and jumped in totally refreshed.


  • I’ve been to the dentist 3 times this month and had warts burnt off (weird/gross? tmi sorry) so a lot of ouch and annoyance.
  • I even had to miss two book club meetings due to said miserable dental work. I hate going to the dentist.
  • I’m an adult trying to play soccer and jacked my knee so bad I limped for like 4 days and had to ice for a whole weekend lol
  • The social media fast was amazing but it was also pretty eye opening and embarrassing. I read like 4 books, you guys. That means I’m spending WAYYYYYY too much dumb time on dumb stuff if deleting it gave me time to finish 4 freaking books. Cringe.
  • I’ve been trying to scale back my anxiety meds but I don’t think it’s working. 🙁 It’s ok. I’d rather take meds and feel good than not take meds and feel like scrambled eggs.

On My Brain

  • We recently started The Goldbergs and rapidly became obsessed. I love Beverly Goldberg so much. But also it has me thinking and learning a lot about parenting and families and relationships????
  • I’ve been studying Intuitive Eating and Halloween was a super great time to practice. Even with my kids! It seems crazy but I actually put some of the Halloween candy Reese wanted on her dinner plate along with rice, apples, cheetos, and celery. Basically we’re trying to not attach “good” or “bad” to foods, and to give her lots of options for each meal. I’ve also been talking to her about how it feels to be full and happy and feeling satisfied. Who knows if and when it will work, but it feels good and she’s responding well.
  • It might be time to sell my dear Jeep Grand Cherokee. I don’t know if my heart can take selling two of my beloved black Jeeps in one year.
  • In true Danica fashion I’m starting to lay out my 2019 booklist. If you have any books I absolutely must read next year HMU.

November is all about slowing everything down. I have big financial goals and I’m zeroing in my focus on Relief Society to do my very best job. November is usually a bit of a blah month between kicka$$ October and partytime December but I’m really looking forward to it this year. <3

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