My Final 30 Before 30

My Final 30 Before 30

I Did It! Kind of. I don’t know if you guys know this about me but I tend to shoot for the stars and overextend myself a little. The list of actually accomplished items is pretty different from the original list I dreamed up a year ago. And 29 year old Danica would probably be feeling perfectionist failure but a great thing is that at this point I’m just fine with my list. It’s ok that I didn’t hit some of the cool ones. I can just blame it on getting pregnant.

Completed 30 Before 30

You can see them all documented on Instagram here

  1. Make a Wreath from my Grandma’s Ornaments
  2. Sorcerer’s Stone
  3. Go to an MLB Game – Red Sox vs. Atheltics in Oakland
  4. Take a Trip to San Francisco
  5. Chamber of Secrets
  6. Paint a Black Wall
  7. Have a Star Wars Marathon
  8. Prisoner of Azkaban
  9. Reese Date
  10. Get a Cancer Screening
  11. Do a Skin Boss Consultation
  12. Goblet of Fire
  13. Loney Date
  14. Order of the Phoenix
  15. Social Media Cleanse
  16. Write my Personal History
  17. Half Blood Prince
  18. Grow an Herb Garden
  19. Cook my way through Cravings 2
  20. Take a trip with just my family – to Midway!
  21. Complete the Shelftember Challenge
  22. Find family names and do their Temple Work
  23. Do something impulsive – dye my hair irrresponsibly purple
  25. Take a Writing Class – James Patterson on Masterclass
  26. Deathly Hallows
  27. Host a Home Decor Swap
  28. Read the Book of Mormon in 30 Days
  29. Get off Zoloft
  30. Turn 30!!!

I’m so excited to be 30. So many people have told my that their 30s were incredible and their favorite decade. I just feel so much more secure and solid, and even though I know there will be curve balls and lots to learn, I am feeling equal to the task.

I WILL master the Instant Pot this decade, you guys.

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