August 2020 GBOMB

August 2020 GBOMB

Hiiiiiiiiiiii my last post was my July GBOMB so that’ll tell you how August went. In. Sane. What a month.

We started out not knowing if we were going to list our house, build a house, buy a house, stay here forever, who knew. Reese and Loney were both enrolled at Vineyard Elementary (Kindergarten & preschool, respectively). Now we’re under contract on a beautiful house in Orem, Reese is enrolled at Orem Elementary and Loney is gonna home preschool with me. I worked like CRAZY. There was a week where I didn’t go to bed until 2 am every single night lol. Haven’t done that since dating Ryan tbh.


  • We’re moving! It happened really quickly and really smoothly. We sold our house and bought a new one on the same day. It’s been crazy. We’re set to move between 9/11-14 depending on closing dates. We’re really excited about the new house and what we’re gonna do there!
  • Reese started Kindergarten! She freaking loves it, no surprise there.
  • As I write this it’s BELOW 90 DEGREES and overcast bless the Lord
  • Professionally I’m just feeling really great, guys. My jobs are so interesting and intense and good for me.
  • How did I never watch Fresh Prince? How did I not know it was this good
  • We hiked up to Cecret Lake! I did one (1) fun thing with my kids this summer!
  • I talked Ryan into Scotland for our 10 year anniversary next summer. So excited to spend a whole year planning that I’m not being sarcastic
  • I’m feeling very grateful for my tribe. So many people have stepped up to help us with babysitting and boxes and help with researching/preparing for buying our new home.


  • We’re moving! I love my house. I love it so much. I love my neighborhood. I love my neighbors and my ward. I love Vineyard. I love the projects I’ve done here and my view of Timp at sunset. I know it’s time for the next step but it’s still so painful and scary to leave what’s comfortable.
  • I am about at my wits end with my uterus, you guys.
  • I’m positively ACHING for routine, but until we’re officially settled into our new house I can’t really do everything the way I want to.
  • Speaking of, my house is a maze of boxes and tape guns and trash bags. I haven’t weeded in a month. What is laundry?

On My Brain

  • This is crazy but hear me out. True crime is strengthening my testimony of the Atonement. I was listening to a particularly heinous murder case (Ian Brady & Myra Hindley) and thinking about the moments of pure evil, pain, and turmoil that people go through before they die in these cases. In a moment of clarity I understood: the Atonement is so vast, so all encompassing, so healing, so… everything… that it makes up for all of that and then some. Thank you for coming to my General Conference talk.
  • I want to quit Facebook so bad. I think maybe once I move and transition my book club reins to someone else I might do it.
  • I truly do not understand how there can be such different “facts” and “information” that contradict one another. How can we not have trustworthy facts, communicated succinctly, so there isn’t the threat of 300 different interpretations? I’m usually able to determine the truth of something after some research but why wasn’t that research communicated clearly and effectively with no room for misinterpretation in the first place? If I see one more hot take on mask-wearing and the CDC my brain will explode through my eye sockets.
  • I’m such a sucker for fresh starts, so I’m excited to think and plan for a new life in a new neighborhood, a new home, a new kitchen, a new ward, new schools, and new routines.

September is, historically, a crazy month for us. We’re trying hard to establish a good back-to-school rhythm, we have like 8 friends/family birthdays, and I can’t stop wishing for Halloween. I’m so so pumped to unpack and organize my new house, and possibly even more excited to decorate it for Halloween. Happy Pre-October, everyone!

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