If You’re a Working Mom, Just…

If You’re a Working Mom, Just…

If you wanna be a working mom, that’s fine.

Just do it perfectly.

Just do it happily.

Just do it gratefully.

Just do it without complaining.

Just remember: you chose this.

Just remember: you can always be a stay-at-home-mom.

Just be glad your husband “allows” it.

Just do it without missing work for any ~mom stuff.

Just do it without dropping any balls, mmmmk?

Just pretend you don’t get haircuts during work hours, even though most healthcare/selfcare providers operate exclusively during the same working hours we do.

Just do it while squeezing in your kids’ class party.

Just remain available for any coworker’s “can we hop on a Zoom?”

Just do it without mentioning how much you lose to childcare. It’s a bummer.

Just don’t forget to thank your husband for his support and partnership, too.

Just exercise before work starts and kids get up and things start hitting the fan. Because then you’ll have MOAR energy.

Just do it without having any mental illness, please.

Just do it despite meteorological intervention.

Just get a nanny, duh.

Just do it without missing any school calls or emails.

Just do it without picking them up from school in the middle of prime afternoon work hours.


Just drink more caffeine.

Just do it without relying on screen time for your kids.

Just don’t let the dishes pile up or you’ll never catch up.

Just keep your Zoom muted because we don’t want to hear them in the background, thanks.

Just do it even if kids are puking.

Just do it without threatening or interfering with your husbands’ jobs because patriarchy.

Just quit if it’s too much, then, geez.

Just get some anxiety meds. Or maybe ADHD?

Just try a bunch of meds.

Just live, laugh, love.

Just don’t let the school schedules and holidays dictate your work schedule; it’s unprofessional.

Just be glad you’re lucky enough to have a job you can do from home!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just do it quietly, so your coworkers can forget you have kids.

Just keep your priorities straight, so your work never negatively impacts your kids.

Just work like a woman without kids.

Just mom like you don’t have a job.

Just don’t share any of it, actually, because you’ll offend someone.

Just shut up about it already; nobody cares.




it’s all so unjust.

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